RAB GRIP – The clean solution …

Every welding job generates fumes and smoke that could be hazardous if inhaled. Based on the well established torch series “MB” the RAB GRIP Fume Extraction Torches offer efficient fume extraction through the torch itself. Special design solutions guarantee highly efficient smoke removal directly at its source without affecting the protective gas shield.

  • Direct extraction at the arc – ensures protection of the welder’s respiratory system
  • Problem free installation in all existing MIG/MAG work stations
  • Small extraction tube diameter – better accessibility
  • Aluminium extraction tube – considerable weight saving
  • Handle with extraction control and swivel joint – optimized handling
  • Smaller diameter extraction hoses for all types – lower handling weight, optimum flexibility
  • Considerable weight reduction of air cooled torches due to the innovative ABICOR BINZEL Low-Weight Bikox®

* according to DIN EN ISO 14175

  • Rated using power source with VDE standard volt/amp characteristic (U=14+0.05xl). When pulse welding, reduce rating by 35%. Recommended cooling capacity of water recirculator approx. 800 W.
  • Technical data (EN 60 974-7):


Type:RAB GRIP 501
CO2:550 A
Mixed gases M21*:500 A
Duty Cyle (%):100
Wire Ø (mm):1.0 – 1.6


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